Evaluation of Normal Spleen Volume using Ultrasonography
Evaluation of Normal Spleen Volume using Ultrasonography
Ultrasonography, Spleen, Volume, Doppler, ThicknessAbstract
The largest organ in the abdomen is the spleen, also called the lymphoid organ. Its major function is to purify the blood and provide immunity. Objective: To evaluate and measure normal splenic volume on ultrasound. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at the radiology department of Gujranwala, Pakistan. A sample size of 150 participants was taken from previously published articles from January 2022 to March 2022. The sample size was taken with the inclusion of normal healthy adults and exclusion of splenomegaly after informed consent. TOSHIBA ultrasound equipment was used with a convex transducer having a frequency of 3.5MHz. The data was entered and analyzed using SPSS version 22. Results: The results show that most participants were between the age of 30 to 39years 55(36.7%). The female participants 94(62.7%) were more than the males 56(37.3%). The length, width, and thickness of the spleen are shown in the tables respectively. The splenic volume seems to be 174cm3 in most participants. Conclusion: Ultrasound is the most accurate, cheap, portable, and easily available modality for measuring spleen volume, which can be measured by using different approaches.
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