Frequency of Diseases Requiring Hysterectomy: A Cross Sectional Study at Tertiary Care Hospitals in Peshawar

Frequency of Diseases Requiring Hysterectomy


  • . Abida Naseer Teaching Hospital, Kabir Medical College Gandhara University, Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Qandeel Kamal Type C Hospital Karak, Pakistan
  • Humaira Bibi Prime Teaching Hospital, Peshawar Medical College, Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Huma Sahibzada Naseer Teaching Hospital, Kabir Medical College Gandhara University, Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Amjad Ali Pediatric Surgery Unit, Medical Teaching Institute, Khyber Teaching Hospital, Peshawar, Pakistan



Indications, Abdominal Hysterectomy, Vaginal Hysterectomy


Hysterectomy, after cesarean section is the most common performed major surgical procedures all over the world. In the united states, 5.5/1000 women underwent hysterectomy in the years 2001 to 2005. Objective: To estimate the frequencies of different diseases that needs hysterectomy at Peshawar Medical College and its affiliate hospitals. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out from 3rd Oct, 2020 to 3rd Oct, 2021 at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Peshawar Medical College and its affiliated hospitals. Consecutive sampling was done and a sample size of 104 patients was obtained. Those patients who recently underwent abdominal or vaginal hysterectomies aged 25-60 years with history of any parity were included. Patients with co-morbid conditions such ischemic heart disease, chronic kidney disease, malignancies and other obstetric complications such as emergency cesarean hysterectomies were excluded. Results: Mean age with standard deviation was 48.55 ± 8.53. Mean and standard deviation for weight was 73.20 ± 6.103. Of total patients, 44 (42.3%) patients had symptomatic fibroid uterus, 29 (27.9%) patients had uterovaginal prolapse while 31 (29.8%) patients had abnormal uterine bleeding as indication for hysterectomy. Among these patients, 66 (63.5%) were subjected to abdominal hysterectomy while 38 (36.5%) went through vaginal hysterectomy. Conclusions: The most common disease that needs hysterectomy in our study was symptomatic leiomyomas of uterus followed by abnormal uterine bleeding due to other causes and uterovaginal prolapse.


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DOI: 10.54393/pjhs.v4i04.651
Published: 2023-04-30

How to Cite

Abida , ., Kamal, Q. ., Bibi, H. ., Sahibzada, H. ., & Ali, A. (2023). Frequency of Diseases Requiring Hysterectomy: A Cross Sectional Study at Tertiary Care Hospitals in Peshawar: Frequency of Diseases Requiring Hysterectomy. Pakistan Journal of Health Sciences, 4(04), 181–184.



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