Contributing Factors Towards Low Back Pain Among Front Line Health Care Workers in Lahore, Pakistan
Contributing Factors Towards Low Back Pain
Low Back Pain, Associated Factors, Front Line Health Care WorkersAbstract
For nurses’ low back pain is a serious health issue. Objective: To determine the contributing factors towards low back pain among front line health care workers in Lahore, Pakistan. Method: The design of this study was cross-sectional, descriptive, and quantitative. 191 nurses were selected for this study through non-probability purposive sampling. Data were collected by adopted Performa by Prof. Cilliers. Results: This study encompassed 191 nurses working in the four public hospitals of Lahore. The response rate was 100%. The regular prevalence of low back pain was 41.4%. The highest ratio of contributing factors towards low back pain was physical, (poor posture 36.6%), while in the psychological factors fatigue 52.4%, whereas in the social factors age 35.6%, similarly in patient care Lifting a heavy Patient 23.6%, and work environment workload 36.6%. Conclusion: Low back pain was moderately prevalent among front-line health care workers. A physical, psychological, social, patient care, and work environment are all contributing factors towards low back pain.
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