The Phenomenology Qualitative Research Inquiry: A Review Paper
Phenomenology Qualitative Research Inquir
Phenomenology, Methodology, Qualitative InquiryAbstract
Phenomenology is the qualitative research inquiry that explores the lived experiences of the individual. This paper discusses phenomenology as a qualitative research methodology and its roots, characteristics, and steps to conduct the study. The relevant literature was searched using the database library, including PubMed, Google Scholar, PakMediNet, Medline, and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature CINAHL. Literature was searched using keywords including phenomenology, qualitative inquiry, roots of phenomenology, steps of phenomenology, and characters of phenomenology. The essential essence of phenomenology is to understand the lived experiences of individuals. The participants truly share the lived experiences which they witnessed. It is concluded that phenomenology is a qualitative inquiry that addresses the real-life experiences of individuals.
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