Grit among Nursing Students at Private Nursing Institute of Karachi Pakistan
Grit among Nursing Students
Grit, Nursing Students, Grit-Focused InterventionsAbstract
Grit is a psychological trait that reflects an individual's perseverance and passion for long-term goals. It involves working strenuously towards challenges, maintaining effort and interest over the years despite failure, adversity, and plateaus in progress. Objective: To Evaluate grit among nursing students at the private nursing institute of Karachi, Pakistan. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in two nursing institutes in Karachi, Pakistan, from July to September 2023. Moreover, this study adopted a convenient sampling technique to approach the study participants. Furthermore, the Grit Scale, developed by Angela Duckworth for the data collection, measures traits such as Consistency of Interest, Perseverance of Effort, and Ambition. Results: The study result shows that among 117 participants, 99.1% are male, and 6.0% are females. Moreover, the grit levels among nursing students, 4.3% had moderate grit, and 95.7% had high grit. Conclusions: Based on the findings, an overwhelming majority of nursing students (95.7%) exhibited high levels of grit, with none showing low grit and a small percentage (4.3%) demonstrating moderate grit. Implementing grit-focused interventions or programs within the nursing education curriculum is recommended. These initiatives can further enhance students' resilience and perseverance, equipping them with the necessary mindset to navigate.
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