A Biomarker-Centric Diagnostic Approach based on Neutrophil Percentage to Albumin Ratio (NPAR) for Diabetic UTIs
Biomarker-Centric Diagnostic Approach for Diabetic Urinary Tract Infections
Neutrophil Percentage to Albumin Ratio, Diabetic Urinary Tract Infection, Inflammation Biomarkers, Hypoalbuminemia, Renal ComplicationsAbstract
The Neutrophil Percentage to Albumin Ratio (NPAR) was identified as a promising biomarker for identifying inflammation and renal complications in diabetic Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs). Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic potential of NPAR as a novel biomarker for the diagnosis and prognosis of diabetic UTIs. Methods: The current study was carried out according to PRISMA criteria to determine the prognostic value of the Neutrophil Percentage to Albumin Ratio (NPAR) in diabetic UTIs. The study (April 2024 to June 2024) was made on Google Scholar, Science Direct, PubMed with a date ranging from 2014 to 2024. Articles comparing NPAR effect on non-diabetic and diabetic UTI-related inflammation, immune cells suppression, comparison of NPAR to classic biomarkers with comorbidities and renal damage were taken for the review. Information was available from different world areas, such as the Asia Pacific, Europe, and the America’s for breadth. The first search found 162 papers, but 134 remained after duplicates were deleted, and these were screened and reviewed, resulting in the inclusion of 15 studies in the systematic review. Results: The findings of the study demonstrated that NPAR has higher reliability in diagnosing inflammation and prognosis than traditional biomarkers, especially in septic patients with hypoalbuminemia. Conclusions: Due to the reliability, sensitivity and specificity of NPAR, it was a potential biomarker for evaluating inflammation and prognosis of patients with diabetic UTI. Its implementation as part of clinical practice could extend understanding on disorder and early identification.
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