Impact of Team-Based Learning on Medical Students Academic Performance
Team-Based Learning on Academic Performance of Medical Students
Team-Based Learning, Small Group Discussion, Satisfaction Level, Academic PerformanceAbstract
The effectiveness of different educational strategies in medical education is still essential to students’ academic performance and satisfaction. Objectives: To determine the effect of Team-Based Learning versus Small Group Discussion (SGD) on academic outcomes for students in a medical curriculum. Methods: The study design was a quasi-experimental non-equivalent control group design involving 100 medical students divided into two groups of 50 for Team-Based Learning and 50 for Small Group Discussion. Data collection comprised pre-test and post-test scores, changes in scores, and levels of satisfaction measured using structured surveys. Statistically, independent t-tests were used to compare academic performance and satisfaction between the two groups. Results: The Team-Based Learning group had significantly higher post-test scores, 76.42 ± 9.14 as compared to the Small Group Discussion group, 68.00 ± 9.45. The difference in change scores was significant: 16.56 ± 7.50 for Team-Based Learning versus 9.24 ± 6.50 for Small Group Discussion, p<0.0001. Satisfaction levels were also higher in the Team-Based Learning group at 4.14 ± 0.88 than in the Small Group Discussion group at 2.94 ± 0.79, with a statistically significant difference p<0.0001. Conclusions: It was concluded that Team-Based Learning versus Small Group Discussion generated significant differences in the academic performance and satisfaction levels of medical students. Team-Based Learning appears to be a more effective teaching-learning strategy compared to Small Group Discussion in enhancing engagement and better learning outcomes in medical education.
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