Knowledge and Attitude of Hypertensive Patients to Control Hypertension at Hayatabad Medical Complex, Peshawar

Knowledge and Attitude of Hypertensive Patients to Control Hypertension


  • Syed Hashim Ali Shah Department of Postgraduate Research Cardiology, Medical Teaching Institute-Hayatabad Medical Complex, Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Wasif Basir Department of Health, SEHA Ambulatory Health Service, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates



Hypertension, Patient Knowledge, Attitudes, Medication Adherence


Hypertension is a major public health concern globally, including in Pakistan, contributing significantly to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Despite its prevalence, knowledge and attitudes toward hypertension management remain inadequately explored in Pakistan. Objectives: To assess the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of hypertensive patients toward hypertension control at Hayatabad Medical Complex (HMC), Peshawar. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from July 2023 to July 2024, involving 584 hypertensive patients aged 40-75 years. Data were collected using a structured, physician-administered questionnaire, which assessed patients' knowledge of hypertension, attitudes toward lifestyle modifications, and medication adherence. Descriptive statistics summarized the demographic characteristics, while chi-square tests were used to explore associations between knowledge and adherence behaviours. Results: Of the participants, 34.8% demonstrated good knowledge of hypertension, and 69.8% recognized it as a cardiovascular risk. Medication adherence was high, with 72.5% of patients consistently following their prescribed regimen. Regular blood pressure monitoring was performed by 59.7% of participants, though 31.5% had not monitored their BP for over a month. A significant association was found between knowledge levels and adherence to medication (p<0.05). Conclusions: It was concluded that the study reveals substantial gaps in knowledge about hypertension among patients, despite good medication adherence rates. Targeted educational interventions are needed to improve understanding of hypertension and its management, especially in resource-limited settings.


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DOI: 10.54393/pjhs.v6i1.2301
Published: 2025-01-31

How to Cite

Shah, S. H. A., & Basir, W. (2025). Knowledge and Attitude of Hypertensive Patients to Control Hypertension at Hayatabad Medical Complex, Peshawar: Knowledge and Attitude of Hypertensive Patients to Control Hypertension . Pakistan Journal of Health Sciences, 6(1), 276–282.



Original Article
