Emotional Intelligence as Predictor of Mental Health in Hospital Nurses, Pakistan

Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health


  • . Aisha Institute of Clinical Psychology
  • Riaz Ahmad Institute of Clinical Psychology
  • Uzma Ali Institute of Clinical Psychology




Emotional Intelligence, Mental Health, Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue), Aga Khan University Anxiety Depression Scale (AKUADS)


Background: Emotional intelligence is a tool, as is the ability to understand, perceive, manage and utilize information. Therefore, an emotionally intelligence people could control their stressors and improve the individual’s productivity at the workplace. 

Emotional intelligence is a tool, as is the ability to understand, perceive, manage and utilize information. Therefore, an emotionally intelligence people could control their stressors and improve the individual’s productivity at the workplace. Objective: To explore the relationship of emotional intelligence and mental health in female hospital nurses in Pakistan. Methods: The correlational design was used in this study. The sample comprised of (N=217) hospital nurses with the age range of 20 years to 45 years (Mean age=29.98; SD=6.37) were selected through systematic randomization procedure from different public hospitals of Hyderabad. The data collection was gathered about 8 months from January 2019 August 2019. The demographic Form, Trait Emotional Intelligence, Pakistani Urdu translated version (TEIQue-SF) & Aga Khan University Anxiety Depression Scale were used. Results: The results showed a significant predictive relationship of emotional intelligence with mental health of hospital registered female nursing (R²= .374, p< .001). Conclusions: The hospital nurses (who have high emotional intelligence) suffer less from mental health problems and are at low risk of anxiety and depression

Methodology: The Correlational design was used in this study. The sample comprised of (N=217) hospital nurses with the age range of 20 years to 45 years (Mean age=29.98; SD=6.37) were selected through systematic randomization procedure from different Public hospitals of Hyderabad. The data collection was gathered about 8 months from January 2019 August 2019. The demographic Form, Trait Emotional Intelligence, Pakistani Urdu translated version (TEIQue-SF) & Aga Khan University Anxiety Depression Scale were used. 

Results: The results showed a significant predictive relationship of emotional intelligence with mental health of hospital registered female nursing (= .374, p< .001).

Conclusion: The hospital nurses (who have high emotional intelligence) suffer less from mental health problems and are at low risk of anxiety and depression. 


Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Mental Health, Hospital Nurses



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DOI: 10.54393/pjhs.v4i12.1161
Published: 2023-12-31

How to Cite

Aisha, ., Ahmad, R., & Ali, U. (2023). Emotional Intelligence as Predictor of Mental Health in Hospital Nurses, Pakistan: Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health. Pakistan Journal of Health Sciences, 4(12), 40–43. https://doi.org/10.54393/pjhs.v4i12.1161



Original Article
